

"Birds" Hall presents the species diversity of the Bulgarian ornithofauna. The species are located in artificially recreated typical habitats. This is achieved by intermingling various elements imitating the natural components. Trees, lakes, rocks and different types of vegetation give the overall vision of the hall. It features 249 species, which are almost all species found on the territory of the country. Some very rare species for Bulgaria - three-toed woodpecker (№ 135), wallcreeper (№ 104), greater spotted eagle (№ 85), saker falcon (№ 74), Imperial eagle (№ 64, 247, 248) common crane (No 98), black vulture (No 87) or those already extinct, such as the great bustard (№ 100) and the bearded vulture (No 97).

4. Western capercaillie

The Western capercaillie, Tetrao urogallus, is the largest representative of the order Galliformes.

Brant goose
64. Imperial Еagle

The Imperial Eagle, Aquila heliaca, is one of the largest eagles in Bulgaria, with a slightly smaller size than the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos).

Ruddy shelduck
86. Bearded vulture

The Bearded vulture, Gypaetus barbatus, is the symbol of Bulgarian nature conservation.

100. Great bustard

The great bustard, Otis tarda, is a bird of the Otididae family. It is also found in Bulgaria, but since 1990 it has been observed only in winter.

232. Rosy starling

The Rosy starling, Pastor roseus, lives in numerous colonies reaching thousands, and in the past - hundreds of thousands of birds.
