

The exhibition in the Mammals Hall is arranged in two modules. In the first, L-shaped located module, are presented the species of the Bulgarian tritofauna. The showcase begins with an imitation of a cave with bats and ends with sea habitats of dolphins and seals. This hall recreates the natural habitats of typical Bulgarian species: European pine marten (No.30), Chamois (No.33), mouflon (No.34), fox (No.26), wolf (No.27) and some rare species of the Bulgarian fauna: Eurasian lynx (№ 38), monk seal (No.36) and European free-tailed bat (No.5). The highlight of this showcase is the largest brown bear on the Balkan peninsula (No.29), awarded with a gold medal, and a roe deer (No.32), awarded with a silver medal for the country.

The second module presents exotic species from all over the world. A large part of these species is represented by the big cats family: Tiger (No.1), Puma (No.6), Leopard (No.2), Lion (No.4), Amur leopard - one of the rarest animals on the planet(No.16), ocelot (No.5). Particularly interesting are also other exotic species - white bear, American bison, wild ass, Bactrian camel and others.

European Free-tailed Bat

Тhe only representative of this family of  bats in Bulgaria is Tadarida teniotis.

Brown bear

The brown bear, Ursus arctos is an animal of the family Ursidae.

Mediterranean monk seal

  The Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus is considered the rarest and one of the most endangered mammals in the world.

Roe deer

The roe deer, Capreolus capreolus is a medium sized herbivorous mammal of the order Artiodactyla.

Amur leopard

  Amur leopard, Panthera pardus orientalis inhabits the Far East near the coast of the Japanese Sea in a border area where three countries meet - Russia, China and North Korea.
